contestants rules
The Competition is open for pianists, regardless of citizenship and nationality, aged no younger than 16 and no older than 35 years on the date of the opening ceremony of the Competition (June 6, 2023). Pianists, who are former First prize winners of the Competition, are not eligible to participate.
The Khachaturian International Piano Competition consists of a Pre-Selection Stage (preliminary audition of submitted video materials) and 3 rounds: 1st Round, 2nd Round (semi-final), 3rd Round (final).
24 applicants will be selected to participate in the 1st Round of the Competition, following the Pre-Selection Stage audition.
No less than 10 and no more than 12 participants will be selected to participate in the 2nd Round.
4 Contestants will be selected to participate in the 3rd Round.
The Jury reserves the right to withhold a winning place altogether or share a place among candidates. The Jury's decision is final and is not subject to appeal.
After the announcement of the 2nd Round results, participants who are not transferred to the 3rd Round can apply to the Competition and receive a written opinion from the Jury members regarding their performances.
All pieces must be performed from memory in all rounds of the Competition (excluding Alexey Shor/Mikhail Pletnev’s piano sonata which can be performed either from memory or with scores upon contestant’s choice). Scores available via the following link - Click Here
The program submitted by the participant may not be changed throughout the Competition. All participants are free to set the sequence of the pieces they perform in 1st and 2nd Rounds. The sequence of performances of the 3rd Round is determined in accordance with the established order of the Competition.
The 3rd (Final) Round performances will be accompanied by the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, which is the official orchestra of the competition.
The Competition will provide contestants with a room for warm-up 30 minutes before their performances during each round.
A performance dress code is instituted for contestants.
The order of performances of the contestants shall be determined by randomly drawn lots and maintained till the end of the Competition.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds of the Competition are open to the public.1st and the 2nd rounds will be held at Komitas Museum-Institute. The 3rd round will be at Aram Khachaturian concert hall.
The Contestants' performances will be broadcast online. Live broadcast will be available till the end of the last Contestant’s performance of each Competition day. Upon the end of the Competition, օnly the performances of prize winning Contestants will be available online. The rights for the broadcasting of the overall Competition and its rounds, all audio and video recordings as well as the rights to their further use belong to the Competition and are made available to the participants per their request only. Participants of the Competition are not allowed to use or make available to third parties the video recordings of their performances, unless a written permission is granted by the Competition.
All finalists of the Competition are required to give performances with no financial remuneration at the closing ceremony and the Laureates Concerts of the Competition.
All candidates must submit one or two links of video recordings of their performances (with minimum duration of 15 minutes). The candidates must present one Classical period composition and one Romantic period composition (or movement from compositions) for the Pre-Selection Stage of the Competition. The compositions presented during the Pre-Selection Stage audition can be performed during the next three rounds of the Competition as well.
Videos should be without interruption and/or editing during the whole performance of each piece. Only videos made later than June 6, 2021 shall be accepted. The application form should include the exact title list of the compositions to be submitted for audition, with indications of the date and duration of the video recordings.
Candidates will be informed of being transferred to the 1st Round of the Competition via email. The results of Pre-selection will be announced on the Competition website on May 19, 2023․
Application and Participation Fee
Applicants of the Competition will be charged an Application Fee of EUR 50 (in the Armenian Dram equivalent) and a Participation Fee of EUR 100 (in the Armenian Dram equivalent) separately.
Payments can be made either via bank transfer or by an online payment system offered at the last stage of the completion of the application form.
Only those Applicants that pass the Pre-selection stage will receive a link for the online payment of the Participation Fee.
Any bank transfer commission fee shall be paid by the applicant. The fee is not subject to reimbursement.
Foreign applicants who transfer the money to the bank account of the Competition, should clearly indicating their names and the phrase “Fee for participation or application in the 2023 Khachaturian international competition” in the Purpose of Payment field*.
Bank details:
Payment in EUR
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (Vienna, Austria)
Beneficiary’s bank: EVOCABANK CJSC (Yerevan, Armenia)
Corr. Acc.N: 1-55.080.071
Account No: 16600 14513910145
Address: 2 MARK GRIGORYAN Str.,Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Payment in USD
Intermediary bank: Raiffeisen Bank International AG (Vienna, Austria)
Beneficiary’s bank: EVOCABANK CJSC (Yerevan, Armenia)
Corr. Acc.N: 070-55.080.071
Account No: 16600 14513910101
Citizens of the Republic of Armenia should make the transfer of the participation fee in AMD to the bank account of the Competition, clearly indicating their names and the phrase “Fee for participation in the 2022 Khachaturian international competition” in the Purpose of Payment field.
The bank details are as follows:
TIN: 02568841
Beneficiary’s bank: EVOCABANK CJSC (Yerevan, Armenia)
Account No: 1660014513910100 AMD
Address: 2 MARK GRIGORYAN Str.,Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Associate Bank: Central bank of Armenia
Associate Account No: 103002101667
In case of cancellation under the Covid-19 restrictions, the participation fee will be reimbursed.
The completed application should include the documents listed below:
The deadline of the applications is May 12, 2023
The Competition reserves the right to reject an application which does not meet the regulations of the Competition. Additional information may be required from the participant, if necessary.
By applying to participate in the Competition, the candidates give their consent to participate in all rounds of the Competition, in accordance with the Jury’s voting. During the admission of applications, the Competition collects personal information regarding the participants for certain procedural needs of the Competition. Personal data is stored in a reliable database. Only the following details about the participants are subject to publishing: name; surname; date of birth, place of birth, nationality, biography, photos, personal website and social media profiles. The participants may view their personal details and make changes in written form.
By submitting the application, the candidates confirm their acceptance of all conditions of the Competition.
The organizing committee of the Competition reserves the right of certain adjustments no later than one month before the launch of the Competition.
Information for foreign participants
After receiving the invitation, foreign participants should apply to the Armenian Embassy or Consulate in their countries for a visa, if required. Visas may also be received at the Zvartnots International Airport in Yerevan. Please check the following link for the list of countries to which a visa regime with Armenia is applied: http://www.mfa.am/en/visa/
Over the whole duration of the Competition, free hotel accommodation and meals will be offered to participants. The Competition DOES NOT cover the accommodation and meal expenses for any accompanying person(s). Participants who are not selected to participate in the 2 nd and 3 rd Rounds but are willing to stay in Yerevan till the end of the Competition, shall incur all expenses personally.